Tag: Diabetes

WHO on Dietary Fiber : Eating Fiber-Rich Food Can Prevent Development of Top Killer Diseases

WHO on Dietary Fiber : Eating Fiber-Rich Food Can Prevent Development of Top Killer Diseases

A recent study sponsored by the World Health Organisation (WHO), revealed that including fiber in one’s daily diet, greatly reduces a person’s risk of heading to early mortality.

Dietary fiber, also called as roughage, helps the digestive system in removing wastes via regular bowel movements. Such wastes and other forms of excesses, if not excreted by the body, can cause cholesterol and blood sugar imbalances that eventually lead to health disorders like diabetes, heart problems, or any of a host of cancer-forming diseases.

WHO Study Shows Rising Global Statistics of Death via Diabetes

.The WHO study also disclosed that millions of adults across the globe, including British and Americans, are hardly eating foods with high fiber contents. In an earlier study conducted for the WHO, it was disclosed that globally, the number of individuals suffering from diabetes had increased from a previous 108 million to 422 million in 2014.

Back then, the medical advice given by the earlier WHO report focused mainly on seeking immediate treatment as soon as symptoms of diabetes are experienced. Furthermore, diabetes prevention can be achieved by taking in balanced diets, and engaging in physical activities. Early symptoms must be addressed through immediate medical consultations for prescription of appropriate medication, whilst having regular checkups can help arrest complications.

In the World Health Organization’s 2018 Fact Sheet for Healthy Diet, emphasis was given on the importance of dietary fiber occurring naturally in vegetables, fruits and other types of whole grains. In order to prolong one’s lifespan, one must include dietary fibers as part of daily intakes. Doing so reduces risks of developing disorders related to diabetes, heart ailments and cancerous diseases.
